Slut dig til Mini Con 2025 – Begyndersporet for en uforglemmelig oplevelse, der vil tænde din passion og udvide din horisont. Dyk ned i BDSM-verdenen med tillid og klarhed, understøttet af et fællesskab, der værdsætter sikkerhed, samtykke og gensidig respekt. Reserver din plads i dag, og forbered dig på en weekend, der tegner til at blive lige så oplysende, som den er spændende!

Der er ingen fastlagt plan for dette spor. Da det handler om hvad deltagerne, altså hvad DU har lyst til at vide mere om.



D/s Specialist
In the captivating world of Thrills, I journey through a landscape defined by the artful dance of power and submission. With my beloved PleaSurelass by my side, our bond remains unshakeable, even as I explore connections with other submissives. This dynamic is built on trust, transparency, and mutual understanding, allowing us to thrive in harmony. With over two decades of immersion in the SM universe, I approach each encounter with precision and purpose. My empathy extends deeply into understanding your desires and boundaries, paving the way for an experience where surrender becomes a profound act of liberation. The relinquishment of control is where true pleasure resides, and it is my privilege to guide you to that pinnacle. The essence of my gratification lies in witnessing your release; the moment when you allow me to hold the reins of your desire, feeling the surge of power as you embrace your servitude. As you wander into the realm of pain’s intense warmth, filled with a maddening desire, I revel in the shared ecstasy that pulses through the experience. This is why I am a Master—why I cherish the intricacies of BDSM. It is an invitation for you to submit, for us to immerse ourselves in the intoxicating play and profound depth of our journey together.   Kink Con Presenter 2020 Mini Con Presenter 2023 Kink Con Presenter 2024


Electrostim & sound specialist

Cavas-Homine er en dominant herre som lever i et 24/7 forhold med Hans lille pige.
Han sætter pris på de solide gamle dyder, krydret med et lyserødt Ddlg forhold. Disse to ting praktiseres med stor succes samtidig.
Han bevæger sig indenfor medical play, impact play, strøm, singletails og solid dominans.
Han er også uddannet akupunktør og har en spændende viden om hvor det gør ondt at trykke og stikke på kroppen.
Derudover gør han sig inden for erotisk og hardcore BDSM fotografering og video.


Kink Con Presenter 2023

Mini Con Presenter 2023

Kink Con Presenter 2024

Koncern Direktøren

Koncern Direktøren

Flogger Specialist
Dan Lei

Dan Lei

Flogger Specialist

Dan Lei is the owner of and a renowned figure in the BDSM community. With over 20 years of experience in BDSM and a decade as an instructor, Dan is celebrated for his expertise and dedication to the craft. He is particularly known for producing high-quality floggers, crafted in his shop in Skive, which are favored by BDSM enthusiasts worldwide. Dan’s passion for BDSM education and his commitment to fostering a safe and knowledgeable community make him a respected leader in the field. His kink club and online store serve as hubs for those looking to explore and deepen their understanding of BDSM.

List og workshops:

List of subjects

  • Floggers for beginners
  • Floggers for practice
  • Flogger Advanced
  • Violet wand
  • Needle play
  • Cane
  • paddles
  • Dominance physically
  • Dominance mentally
  • Dominance mentally with a focus on an emotion
  • BDSM first aid
  • Breathcontrole and Bloodchoke

Dan has been to:

Kink Con Presenter 2019

Kink Con Presenter 2020

Kink Con Presenter 2021

Kink Con Presenter 2022

Kink Con Presenter 2023

Mini Con Presenter 2023

Kink Con Presenter 2024