Below you can see the previous presenters at Kink Convention. Some of them have been with us since the start in 2018.

Daz “Edgeplay”

Daz “Edgeplay”

Needle Specialist
About me?? what to say .. a Lot of you know me I have been around long enough frequented my first clubs in the late 1990’s (absolution in Milton Keynes) but before that was mainly private partys you know the roll your left trouser leg up secret knock and a password .. in the dark old days and playing at home I love my needles and blood sports .. I have held and presented demo’s and workshops on the subject several times and and always happy to show someone how its done or give someone their first experience my specialty is dealing with needle phobics and have helped many a scared bunny become a needle slut 🙂 Whips are my other passion I have been making them since July 2010 and have been known to use them once or twice too
Robert Dante

Robert Dante

Singletail Specialist

“It ain’t brag if it’s fact!”

Pioneering bullwhip artist and writer, four-time Guinness World Record holder, creator of “Bullwhip: Art of the Single-Tail Whip” (to see, go to Dante’s S&M pages Password: Bullwhip$

Among his other many credentials are the bullwhip chapter in “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns,” and the ground-breaking “Let’s Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills.” He has also published “Bullwhip: A Quick Guide for the Impatient” and “The Bullwhip Index of Whip Makers and Sellers, Performers and Instructors.”

Numerous TV appearances include Playboy TV’s Night Calls, HBO’s Real Sex. The Founder of Houston PEP (in 1992); Former publisher of Boudoir Noir Magazine (18 issues). As a professional performer and whip trainer, he crosses boundaries, playing in mainstream venues (Wild West events, burlesque shows), as well as at leather events, public dungeons, and private playrooms.

“I detest bullies, hypocrites, and liars,” Dante said. “I have never been, and never will be, any part of any Scene that coddles this kind of human shit. My stubborn stance (so Aquarian!) seems to step on some toes, so you are heartily invited to verify any rumors directly with me. I doubt if I will be surprised.”

In the meantime, Enjoy Yourself – It’s Later Than You Think.

Kink Con Presenter 2019

Kink Con Presenter 2024



Primal Play Specialist

Stoltz Sinatra is well known within the Swedish and international BDSM—scene through his commitment to educate people about the wonderful concept of pleasure, Domination and pain.

He is the founder of web initiatives like and

John Pendal

John Pendal

BDSM Educator

My name’s John (pronouns he/ him) and I live on the South Coast of England. Been in the fetish community since 1995. Things stepped up a gear when I became the 25th, (and to date only British), winner of the International Mr Leather contest in Chicago back in May 2003 and attended leather and fetish events around the world full time for a year.

Kink Con Presenter 2022

Kink Con Presenter 2023

Kink Con Presenter 2024



Electrostim & sound specialist

Cavas-Homine er en dominant herre som lever i et 24/7 forhold med Hans lille pige.
Han sætter pris på de solide gamle dyder, krydret med et lyserødt Ddlg forhold. Disse to ting praktiseres med stor succes samtidig.
Han bevæger sig indenfor medical play, impact play, strøm, singletails og solid dominans.
Han er også uddannet akupunktør og har en spændende viden om hvor det gør ondt at trykke og stikke på kroppen.
Derudover gør han sig inden for erotisk og hardcore BDSM fotografering og video.


Kink Con Presenter 2023

Mini Con Presenter 2023

Kink Con Presenter 2024

Dan Lei

Dan Lei

Flogger Specialist

Dan Lei is the owner of and a renowned figure in the BDSM community. With over 20 years of experience in BDSM and a decade as an instructor, Dan is celebrated for his expertise and dedication to the craft. He is particularly known for producing high-quality floggers, crafted in his shop in Skive, which are favored by BDSM enthusiasts worldwide. Dan’s passion for BDSM education and his commitment to fostering a safe and knowledgeable community make him a respected leader in the field. His kink club and online store serve as hubs for those looking to explore and deepen their understanding of BDSM.

List og workshops:

List of subjects

  • Floggers for beginners
  • Floggers for practice
  • Flogger Advanced
  • Violet wand
  • Needle play
  • Cane
  • paddles
  • Dominance physically
  • Dominance mentally
  • Dominance mentally with a focus on an emotion
  • BDSM first aid
  • Breathcontrole and Bloodchoke

Dan has been to:

Kink Con Presenter 2019

Kink Con Presenter 2020

Kink Con Presenter 2021

Kink Con Presenter 2022

Kink Con Presenter 2023

Mini Con Presenter 2023

Kink Con Presenter 2024



Kink educatior
WhipMaster K

WhipMaster K

Flogger & Cane Specialist


E-Stim Specialist

Indehaver af Homoware

DR Frank

DR Frank

Dominans Specialist
Risley P. Addix

Risley P. Addix

Submissiv Specialist

The mann behind HUNCON. The Hungarion BDSM Convention.



Dominatrix Specialist

Owner of Bondatrix.



Submissiv specialist

Owned by DR Frank.



Submissiv Specialist


Polyamory Specialist


Jura Specialist