“It ain’t brag if it’s fact!”

Pioneering bullwhip artist and writer, four-time Guinness World Record holder, creator of “Bullwhip: Art of the Single-Tail Whip” (to see, go to Dante’s S&M pages Password: Bullwhip$

Among his other many credentials are the bullwhip chapter in “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns,” and the ground-breaking “Let’s Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills.” He has also published “Bullwhip: A Quick Guide for the Impatient” and “The Bullwhip Index of Whip Makers and Sellers, Performers and Instructors.”

Numerous TV appearances include Playboy TV’s Night Calls, HBO’s Real Sex. The Founder of Houston PEP (in 1992); Former publisher of Boudoir Noir Magazine (18 issues). As a professional performer and whip trainer, he crosses boundaries, playing in mainstream venues (Wild West events, burlesque shows), as well as at leather events, public dungeons, and private playrooms.

“I detest bullies, hypocrites, and liars,” Dante said. “I have never been, and never will be, any part of any Scene that coddles this kind of human shit. My stubborn stance (so Aquarian!) seems to step on some toes, so you are heartily invited to verify any rumors directly with me. I doubt if I will be surprised.”

In the meantime, Enjoy Yourself – It’s Later Than You Think.

Kink Con Presenter 2019

Kink Con Presenter 2024